Saturday, June 25, 2011

Elevator Dimpling Disaster

So I headed down to the garage this afternoon for the first work session in a while. I had been working for about an hour and 45 minutes, and everything was going great. I dimpled the stiffeners for both the left and right elevator skins. I then moved onto dimpling the skins themselves using my trusty C-frame. I was only ten holes or so away from finishing both skins, when disaster struck.

I lined up the dimple dies on the hole took a swing with the hammer, reaered back for a second shot, but when it landed something just didn't feel right. Sure enough I pulled the skin away from the C-frame and found that my dimple dies had created a new hole just a fraction of an inch from the original. The spring loaded ram on top of the C-frame must have come up off the skin between my first and second blow just enought to allow the skin to shift.

I decided that was a good place to stop for the day, and to give myself some time to consider my next move. The perfectionist in me says, "Just order a new skin and get back to work." However, the lazy guy, who seems to win out most weekends, wants to figure out any way possible to save this skin. I've put a lot of effort into it and it would be a shame to have to waste all that, and start over.

I guess I'll take the next few days to do some research, and figure out the best way to get this build back on the fast track.

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